
Is there anything else you would like to communicate with me?

Approximately how many wedding guests are you expecting?

What time does the reception end?

Do you have a formal exit planned? Examples: Sparklers, Bubbles, Petals, Streamers

What time does your reception begin?

Please give a general flow of events at your reception.
Example: Introduction as the new Mr. and Mrs., Mingling for approx. 20 minutes, Prayer, Dinner, Cake Cutting, First Dances, Open dance floor 20 min, Bouquet/Garter toss, Open dance floor, Reception Ends. (It is recommended to have all of the main events of your reception take place within the first hour and a half so the majority of your wedding guests are still present and able to enjoy the moments with you!).

Are there any special traditions or special things that I should know about which will be happening on your wedding day?

Which family group photos would you like taken? 
(Please List Names)

Family First


Family After Ceremony

If you selected "Yes" above and plan to see each other before the ceremony, would you like all family photos completed before the ceremony as well? (If either of your families are notorious for running late, it is my recommendation that all family photos occur immediately after the ceremony).




Do you plan on seeing each other before the Ceremony?

Approximately how long is the drive from the Ceremony location to the Reception location?

Is there a time set for the Ceremony yet? If so, list the time below.

Tell me about any restrictions or guidelines at your ceremony location that I should know about (make sure to include if there are any time restrictions as to how early or how late I am permitted to be on the location).

ceremony & Reception

Where will your Reception take place? 

Reception Venue Name:  
Reception Venue Address:  
Reception Venue Contact Name:  
Reception Venue Contact Email:  
Reception Venue Contact Phone:

Where will your Reception take place? 

Where is your Wedding Ceremony taking place?

Ceremony Venue Name:  
Ceremony Venue Address:  
Ceremony Venue Contact Name:  
Ceremony Venue Contact Email:  
Ceremony Venue Contact Phone:

Where is your Wedding Ceremony taking place? 







Pre-ceremony - do you have a preference if the guys get their photos taken before the gals or vice versa? 

Would the groom like getting ready photos taken?

Where will the Groom be getting ready on the wedding day? (List the location name and address).

Where will the Bride have her final preparation taking place (last makeup & hair finishing touches and getting in the dress) on the wedding day? (List the location name and address).


Wedding Date and Names

I'm excited about your upcoming wedding! Your answers to the following questions will help us prepare to capture your special day. It is going to be great!

Wedding Day

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